The current Adama city governance is characterized by the existence of two administrations, state & municipal functions. According to new form of organizational framework of the city administration; it has comprised all branches of the government structures that include legislative, judiciary & executive bodies to ensure the prevalence of check & balance of power in city administration system.
The city administration is organized into city council, mayor, mayoral committee, municipal service & other many pertinent bodies to the city administration. The city administration divided into 32 sectoral offices & agencies with their own duties & responsibilities.
Furthermore, the main functional arms of the city administration are distributed systematically across these three-tiered structures and segments of the city administration that offered at city level, six (6) sub-cities and 18 kebeles level (the lowest tier of the city administration), as many city administration functions & services were cascaded to the lower echelon of the city to provide prompt economic &social services to the community within their jurisdictions or ambits.